Hypetrain provides users with a role-based access system that currently has 3 roles available:
Workspace Owner
Workspace Admin
Influencer Marketing Manager
Roles help organization admins to properly share permissions to Hypetrain functionality. Members can have multiple roles; currently, we don't support custom role creation and modifying existing ones.
View Members Roles
Workspace Admins can view the roles of their teammates within the "Workspace Role" column of the "Workspace members" table
Edit Member Role
Workspace Admins can edit the roles of selected teammates, including specifying multiple roles.
Specify Role While Inviting Member
Workspace Admins can specify roles for teammates being invited.
Note: selected roles will be applied for all invited members in the current dialog. Do several invitations if you want to specify different roles for different invited teammates.
Each role and its available rights are described below.
Workspace Owner
The Workspace Owner role is set by default to the person who created the workspace and currently cannot be removed. A person with this role currently cannot be deactivated from the workspace and deprived of the role.
This role has all permissions to Hypetrain resources and actions, including managing invites, roles, and subscription.
Workspace Admin
The Workspace Admin role can be assigned by Workspace Owner or other Workspace Admin. This role also has all permissions to all Hypetrain resources and actions including inviting new members, assigning Campaigns, managing subscription, etc. The role can be revoked by Workspace Owner or another Workspace Admin.
Influencer Marketing Manager
The Influencer Marketing Manager role can be assigned by Workspace Owner or Workspace Admin. A person with this role can access Search (all platforms), manage Address Book, and manage assigned Campaigns.